Hanging out with a bunch of young'ns surely takes all of my strength! Guess I am no spring chicken (see what I did there?!)... : ) I needed one FULL DAY to recover!
As always, we had a great time yesterday here at Poof Dirt Farms during the Legacy Rhizome Kid's Garden Project 2021, Day 1! In honor of The Legacy Rhizome ethos, we planted Peter & Kerman! Yes Pistachio Trees! We hope that these kids will remember the day, and everything they have learned at our farm as we all watch these trees grow. By the time these kids get old enough to drive, our pistachio trees will be bearing fruits (nuts) old enough to eat! We covered a lot of ground in two hours! We searched the farm to see what was sprouting in our plots, learned to identify noxious weeds, learned about pest management, how to mix a neem oil solution to treat rose bushes that are infested with aphids, how to plant trees... the list goes on! Our wonderful neighbor gave me some seeds a couple of hours before the kids showed up! So, we planted Blue Palo Verde tree seeds! As I was teaching the kids, I noticed that few of the returning students from last years' project remembered what some of the noxious weeds are, and quickly identified them! Proud farmer moment! Kids learn so quick! We need to focus on teaching them the RIGHT THINGS, watching them grow and flourish as beautiful human beings! We are so blessed to be able to assist our local youth with what we can give. Planting seeds for a better tomorrow! The Rhizome is REAL!
Mike Maye
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